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Theory of Change

Your Gippsland Radio’s Theory of Change

Your Gippsland Radio aims to inspire, celebrate, and promote the vibrancy of Gippsland, fostering a strong and connected community that contributes to the region’s growth and success.


  1. Dedicated team of radio professionals.
  2. Access to a wide range of resources and information.
  3. Collaboration with local clubs, societies, organizations, and businesses.
  4. Engaged audience and community.


  1. Produce and broadcast high-quality content that inspires and celebrates the spirit of Gippsland.
  2. Feature and promote local clubs, societies, organizations, and their activities, events, and positive impact.
  3. Showcase and support local businesses, highlighting their products, services, and contribution to the community.
  4. Share information about exciting things to do and see in Gippsland, promoting the region as a vibrant destination.
  5. Facilitate inclusive discussions and dialogue, promoting diversity, understanding, and appreciation of different cultures and perspectives.


  1. Engaging radio programs showcasing the diversity and achievements of Gippsland.
  2. Increased visibility and awareness of local clubs, societies, organizations, and businesses.
  3. Greater community involvement and participation in local activities and events.
  4. Expanded knowledge and awareness of the attractions and opportunities available in Gippsland.
  5. Improved understanding and appreciation of diversity within the community.


  1. Inspired and united community with a sense of pride in Gippsland.
  2. Strengthened local clubs, societies, organizations, and businesses through increased support and participation.
  3. Economic growth and development in Gippsland, with a thriving local business sector.
  4. Enhanced reputation of Gippsland as an exciting and vibrant destination.
  5. Increased cultural understanding, tolerance, and appreciation among community members.


  1. Empowered and connected community that actively participates in the growth and development of Gippsland.
  2. Improved quality of life for individuals and communities in Gippsland through inspiration, opportunities, and shared experiences.
  3. Strengthened social cohesion, unity, and pride in the region.